
Monday, August 5, 2013

New Antique Mall Space

I recently moved into a new space at Yoder's Antique Mall.  It's a much smaller space than I had at my last two venues, but it's a start as I get back into this venture of building a full-time business again.  

I have always loved the display aspect of this business and have missed being able to play around with different arrangements.  I will definitely have to be creative with this space to make the most of it while keeping it appealing.  

What you see now is just a "git-er-filled" effort...will be changing, rearranging, tweaking as time goes on.

If you are local, please be sure to stop by and check it out.  This mall has three floors!  Definitely worth a visit.


  1. Wish you were closer! I'm near Valley Forge, PA and had several spaces myself in Lancater, PA and gave them up a few years ago and MISS it greatly! Like you, I may some day go back 'cause I don't think this junkin' thing ever leaves us! It all looks great so best of luck!! Judi

  2. Looks like somewhere I would love to shop! Too bad I am so far away!
